Month After Eating Two Bananas A Day: The Effect Will Leave You Breathless!
The majority of us nowadays ‘do not have the time’ to eat healthy and thus opt for fast food instead for healthy one, while the polls rank f...
According to the scientists and nutritionists, it is not clear why most people in the West prefer such food to so great, amazing, beneficial, and above all, natural ingredients. The latter ingredients can provide us with all the materials we need to take in so that our body functions properly.
Let’s take bananas as an instance. this fruit is the favorite food of monkeys, and it is not surprising, because besides the fact that it tastes great, it is also very nutritious and it is a real treasure.
According to nutritionists, if you consume two bananas a day for a month, your health condition is going to become significantly improved.
Here is how and why:
The amount of sodium in bananas is pretty low, and the amount of potassium is high, so this makes this fruit great for blood pressure and heart health regulation. Scientists have discovered that by consuming bananas every day, you reduce the risk of heart attack as much as 40 percent.
Banana is great for people who have troubles with the digestive system, like constipation for example. Bananas are rich in fiber and that is why they are great for fast solving of your problems with the intestines
Every time you feel week or wearing, have a banana, as it will provide you with the much-needed energy. Moreover, bananas are a great choice for a snack, especially before exercising, so all athletes should regularly have bananas in their bag.Continue Reading Page 2>>