Get Rid Of The Obesity: With Only a Spoonful A Day You Can Lose 30 Pounds In A Month Page 2
3. Start Day With Honey Take a teaspoon of honey and mix it in a glass of hot water. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to this water mixture....
3. Start Day With Honey
Take a teaspoon of honey and mix it in a glass of hot water.
Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to this water mixture.
Drink this water the first thing in the morning when you get up and on an empty stomach.
Repeat this daily for two to three months to see an effective weight loss.
4. Drink Hot Water
If you have the habit of drinking cold water, try to replace it with hot water.
Hot water will help in eliminating the fat deposits in your body.
Drink hot water after every meal and make sure that you leave a gap of half an hour between the food and the water.
Never drink water immediately after eating.
5. Mint Leaves
Mint is known for its digestive properties and helps in healthy digestion.
Take a teaspoon of honey and mix it in a glass of hot water.
Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to this water mixture.
Drink this water the first thing in the morning when you get up and on an empty stomach.
Repeat this daily for two to three months to see an effective weight loss.
4. Drink Hot Water
If you have the habit of drinking cold water, try to replace it with hot water.
Hot water will help in eliminating the fat deposits in your body.
Drink hot water after every meal and make sure that you leave a gap of half an hour between the food and the water.
Never drink water immediately after eating.
5. Mint Leaves
Mint is known for its digestive properties and helps in healthy digestion.
Add a few drops of mint leaf juice extract in a glass of lukewarm water and mix it well.
Drink this mixture half an hour after you have taken a meal.
It will help in easy digestion and will also boost your metabolism and is effective for weight loss on prolonged use.
6. Fennel Seeds
Fennel is one of the very popular ancient home remedies to reduce appetite.
Drink this mixture half an hour after you have taken a meal.
It will help in easy digestion and will also boost your metabolism and is effective for weight loss on prolonged use.
6. Fennel Seeds
Fennel is one of the very popular ancient home remedies to reduce appetite.
Boil about 6 to 8 fennel seeds in a cup of water for a few minutes.
Remove of the seeds from the water and drink this plain water everyday in the morning on empty stomach to reduce your urge to eat. Continue Reading >> Page 3