It is recommended to detox your body once in a while and flush out the toxins.
We give you 4 recipes to make your own detox water.
Apple Cinnamon detox water – for flat tummy
-1 apple sliced (you can use lemon instead of apple)
-1 cinnamon stick
-1 pitcher water
Mix the ingredients and put the drink in the fridge for 15 minutes. This drink is great for cleansing your system and it helps you burn calories.
Cucumber, mint and lemon detox water – for glowing skin
-1 lemon sliced
-1/2 cucumber sliced
-10 mint leaves
-8 cups of water
The cleansing effect is given by the lemon, because of its citric acid that purifies the digestive system. The freshness and the taste are given by the mint, which is great in combination with cucumber and lemon. After you mix the ingredients, let the drink rest overnight.
Also, you can try mixing 1 strawberry sliced, ½ small cucumber sliced and ½ grapefruit sliced to obtain great anti-aging detox water.
Ginger detox water – for clean skin
-2l water
-1 cucumber sliced
-1 inch ginger sliced
-10 mint leaves
By consuming this detox drink on a regular basis, you can keep away acne and get clear skin.
Lemon detox water
-half a lemon
-warm water
-1 tsp honey
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water and mix with 1 tsp of honey and drink in early in the morning. This drink will provide the hydration you need and will flush out the toxins from your body.
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