Things That Make You Go Poop! fastest Cure For Constipation Page 2
Vitamin C powder All the cells needed in the body need vitamin C, including the ones in your bowel. Under excess stress the body deman...
Vitamin C powder
All the cells needed in the body need vitamin C, including the ones in your bowel. Under excess stress the body demands more vitamin C and not being able to poop is a fairly stressful situation. Beyond that though, the vitamin C helps to get the bowels moving.
Similar to magnesium it helps draw more water into the bowel and loosen the stool into motion. You need to take quite a large dose, so a teaspoon in the morning and night in water.
Flaxseed Capsules
Flaxseed capsules are omega 3 oils that help to reduce inflammation in the bowel. They also help to provide a protective barrier between your stool and the intestinal wall and make things more slippery, so to speak.
One thing is for sure, when you do get things moving you want things to be as painless as possible so the flaxseed capsules will assist perfectly with that. They also happen to be a natural source of fiber, which is why they also help to get things moving in the downward direction.
Take 3 capsules with every meal.
To help assist the process you simply MUST drink more water. Aim for 1.5 liters of water per day as a minimum.
So there you have it! A wonderful natural mix of ingredients to get things moving.
The magnesium draws more water into the bowel to soften things up, the vitamin C gets things moving, and the flaxseed makes it a far less painful process!
Give it a try because it really does work.
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