Oily skin requires utmost attention. Oily and greasy skin easily catch dirt and scams from its surroundings.  Moreover, it’s prone to a...

Oily skin requires utmost attention. Oily and greasy skin easily catch dirt and scams from its surroundings.

 Moreover, it’s prone to acne breakout. Oily skin tends to release extra natural oil, so needs extra care to maintain it clean, flawless and even-toned.

Classed as a fruit, eaten as a vegetable, the cucumber for many is thought of as a salad ingredient or as two slices popped on the eyelids to cool, tighten and hydrate the delicate eye area. In this article is given DIY natural homemade face mask to narrow your skin pores and stabilize the production of natural oil, the so-called sebum.
Who needs the expensive face creams, lotions, and potions when we can make better alternatives in our own kitchen?
Cucumber Face Lotion Recipe

Ingredients needed:
1 fresh cucumber
1 glass of 72% alcohol
1 glass jar (or any other glass container with a wide opening)

Wash the cucumber and slice it finely together with its peel or simply use a grater. Put the cucumber slices into a glass container and pour the alcohol over them. The ratio should be 1:1, which means if you have 1 glass of sliced cucumber you should add 1 glass of alcohol.

Close the container with a lid and let it sit in a sunny place for 12-14 days.

Afterward, strain the lotion and keep it in the refrigerator.

Use this lotion every morning and every evening on a clean face. You can also use it throughout the day when you want to clean your face. Expect a noticeable improvement within 2-3 weeks of using it.

Source: bellatory.com


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