In today’s article we will present you recipe for preparation of one aromatic beverage. This drink is elixir that will give your body some ...
In today’s article we will present you recipe for preparation of one aromatic beverage. This drink is elixir that will give your body some extra energy, but in same time will make your skin soft and smooth. Well, the best part is that it will help you to get you rid of the boring drooping belly.
For the preparation of your beverage you will need the following ingredients:
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ – 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
½ – 1 tablespoon ginger powder
5 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon stevia
1 liter water
Method of preparation:
In a pan put the water and put on fire. Once it starts boiling, put it aside and leave it cool for 5 minutes. Then, put all the ingredients in a pitcher. Pour the water over them and mix it well. Drink the resulted potion during the day.
After 10 days of regular consummation you will notice incredible results. You can use this beverage until you get the desired results.
Drink this elixir during the day.
The first results will be visible after ten days of regular use. You can use it accordingly to youe needs.
Heat the water in a pot until it boils, then take it off the heat and allow it to cool down. While you wait, mix all the ingredients in a pitcher and pour the water over them. This is your daily dose – drink the whole pitcher throughout the day.
In only 10 days, you will start noticing the results. The drink has no side-effects, and can be used at all times.