Stretch marks are the visible lines that appear on the skin surface and which look ugly on your body and decrease the beauty of a person’s ...

Stretch marks are the visible lines that appear on the skin surface and which look ugly on your body and decrease the beauty of a person’s appearance.
The skin collagen and elastin generally draw stretch marks on the breast, thighs, buttock and abdomen.
During pregnancy each woman must find these lines on her breast and abdomen.
Pregnancy, rapid weight loses, weight gain, hormonal imbalance, and bodybuilding exercises are the main reason of the appearance of these stretch marks.
Stretch mark problem could make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance.
Thankfully, there are few effective tips on how to get rid of stretch marks on a fast and natural way.
Thankfully, there are few effective tips on how to get rid of stretch marks on a fast and natural way.
- Potato Peels:
Potatoes have a very important place in the skin care and the restoration of the skin cells. Vitamin C in the potatoes is vital for maintaining skin health.